Original post By Byron V. Acohido Have we truly reached the point where a multiple-year run of nightmarish cyber attacks has become mere white noise to the business community? I cannot think of any other way to explain the findings of a new report starkly showing that fully 73% of companies in five Western nations miserably failed…
Read MoreThe Splunk presence at HIMSS has grown significantly since our first appearance in 2015, where we had a small booth but a heart of gold. I remember the puzzled looks on most attendees’ faces as they passed by, probably wondering why a big data software company was there, sandwiched between medical devices and claims software. But that…
Read MorePreventing Lateral Movement Attacks with PowerBroker for Windows It goes without saying— your organization is a target for digital attacks. It may be deliberate (someone went out of their way to focus on your company), or opportunistic (a social engineering/phishing attack). Either way, once an attacker is in, they’re going to want to move…
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